The Weekend Round Up #1

I've been thinking about it for a little while, as I have been revising and looking for as many distractions as possible, and decided that I'm going to post a little round up of my weekend, even I've pretty much been doing nothing. So here goes, the first weekend round up.

This weekend has been absolutely beautiful in Suffolk, and despite having to revise for exams, I've still found time to go outside and soak up the sunshine. Albeit, rather unproductively because if I was to tan I think I would faint out of shock - I just stay paler than pale all year round.

On Saturday I ventured out with my books and paper and highlighter and felt tips to get cracking on some work in the sun, but this was cut short because it turns out that I can't actually see any more out of my prescription sunglasses, fluorescent yellow highlighters, a lot of sun and bright white paper don't go well together when you can literally see nothing, and I then needed my laptop to get past papers and mark schemes.

Today was much more productive visually. I decided to take a break from the studying and take my dad's camera out around the farm. There isn't really very much to do out near where I live, because there is literally nothing at all, but the countryside that I live in is stunning, and my dad wanted a few promotional shots, so I've got a few pictures I thought I'd share with you, because today has been my favourite day in a long while.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend too :)

Em x

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