2016 Goals

These posts have been floating around the blogosphere for the past few days, and whilst I'm not a fan of New Year's Eve there's no better chance to set yourself goals than the start of a new year. I normally have a series of resolutions that I always fail by the end of January at the latest, I find them too unachievable. In the hope to actually fulfill them this year, I'm calling them goals. Things for me achieve and succeed at during 2016.

  • Blog Better
I've only been blogging properly for the last six or so months, but I feel that I can improve the way I blog which will then intern improve my blog. I want to be more organised with scheduling posts in advance as I need to really get the blog/uni balance right. I also want to improve the quality of my content, better photographs which will of course be much easier when it gets lighter but also better post topics and ideas too. Coming under the blog better title is improving my social media, I need to post more on twitter and instagram, and utilise pintrest too. 

  • Learn French 
Last year I set myself the challenge of learning French. It's something I always wished I'd done and starting university made me increasingly aware of how much I need a second language to get a job. Whilst I did stick to that last year, I'm not fluent not even close really so I need to continue learning this year too. 

  • Be Happier With Myself 
Instead of setting myself an unspecific goal of being happier, or losing weight I thought that being generally happier with myself was a better choice. I want to get fitter, take care of myself more so that I can be happier with myself for myself. 

  • Study Better
This next term, the first 2 and a bit months of the year, I only have classes on two days of the week so I need to make sure that I'm using all my time effectively. I want to be able to study during the day so that I can blog and relax in the evenings. Again with organisation, I want to make sure that I keep on top of assignments and class readings. By studying better I hope that my grades will improve and my stress will reduce. 

Those are my goals for 2016, do you have any?

Em x

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