The Sunday Catch Up #4

It's been a while since I've posted a blog post, or really done anything to do with blogging, and I missed it. It feels good to be back to writing a blog post and planning content and I'm definitely looking forward to having a big ole' blog reading session. October was so full of uni bits for me that I barely had time to do anything but uni work, so now I'm ready for a catch up and bit more organisation.

Like I said, things got pretty hectic with uni things. Although I was organised for my essays, I was involved with an event that a society I'm part of was organising. Eventually the organisation came down pretty much to me and one other, meaning it was incredibly stressful and I really wasn't feeling my best. Whilst I really wanted to make sure that I was keeping up with my blog schedule and uni things, when you're so stressed it's making you anxious, it's difficult to keep on top of everything. Also for me, blogging is very much a hobby. I love it, don't get me wrong, but it is a hobby. University takes priority, especially as I'm in my final year and desperately want to go on to study for a masters degree.

During the half term week, my brother nad his partner came down to visit, which was lovely. It was so nice showing them around the city and where I go to uni. It was especially nice as my brother's partner had never been to Canterbury before, and it's such a lovely city to visit. Luckily we were graced with sunny weather, albeit rather cold!

If you follow me on Instagram then you may have seen that I went to Parliament last week with uni. I've been a few times before and every time I get stupidly excited, and this trip confirmed in me that I'd love to work there, which I think has just made me even more excited.

Throughout November I'm really looking to finding a balance between blogging and uni, I want to try and upload every Wednesday with the occasional Sunday post, and get myself all prepared and organised ready for December blogging.

You can catch up on some recent posts here.

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