16 of 2016

2016 has been an all over the place year and one that I certainly won't be forgetting. Although there was more than enough awful things that happened, I'm thinking about the good things, because actually a lot of good happened to. Here I'm sharing 16 loves of 2016, be that products, memories or things - there's quite the mix.

2017 Goals

2016 has been a mixed ole' bag really. Whilst on the one hand I've had some pretty amazing times which I've loved, globally and politically it's been dreadful (call me a 'remoaner' all you like). Often I'm not really one for New Years, it seems like a bit of anti-climax and it's basically just a huge celebration for the start of the new month which seems odd. However this year, I'm all for it. I'm ready for a fresh start. I find that if I set resolutions I never stick to them and just end up feeling bad for not being able to stick to something, instead, I've been setting goals which to me just sounds more achievable and more about wanting to achieve something that being strict on myself. Over 2016 I was pretty successful in achieving them, so I've got high hopes for 2017!