Let's Chat | Welcome Back

Long time no blog! It's safe to say that recently pretty much everything in my life has taken a backseat, including blogging. Last year my priority was finishing my degree, with me envisioning

getting straight back to it once my degree was over. Well the undergraduate degree has been and gone, but since around April/May last year, life has thrown it's all at me and so everything got pushed to the back burner.

I'm currently on a medical leave of absence because of mental illness, which I'll go into more at a later date, which seems very odd as I'm really not one to put my mental health first. Obviously during this time my focus is on getting better, but I'm also trying to get myself back into some of the hobbies I enjoyed before this round of fog descended.

I've spruced up my little corner of the internet and am ready to be more creative. I've got a new recipe for double chocolate and raspberry muffins going life shortly, and the general plan is to post every Wednesday but keep an eye on social media to be sure not to miss anything.

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