FlashAcademy BETA app Review

Several months ago I was lucky enough to be sent a pack of FlashSticks language learning post-it notes to review, I absolutely loved using them and they really changed up the way I learnt French. Recently FlashSticks contacted me again because they're launching an updated version of their app and wanted me to test it out. The FlashAcademy BETA app* is seriously good, it's fast becoming my favourite way to learn languages. 

As you'd expect from a language learning app there are lessons that teach you the words, phrases, grammar and pronunciation of your chosen language. I love how interactive these are; using a mixture of word and image matching, true or false statements, spelling and translation activities. Also within the mini lessons, there are culture tips here and there relating to the words and phrases you're learning about. I think this is such a good idea, especially as many may be learning a specific language before going aboard. You can also use virtual flashcards before you start an interactive lesson to give you some idea of the words you'll be learning.

An extra fun side to the learning with FlashAcademy BETA app are the word games. There are several different games that are all based on your recall of words and a bit of spelling too. At first, I thought I'd find them too hard to be useful but in actual fact, the games have really helped me with my learning, I can recall the words much better and they sort of reiterate the lesson learning.

Of course, the new version of the app still includes the ability to scan your FlashSticks notes and objects too. This is still one of my favourite things about the app, and I think it's what really sets it apart from other language learning apps on the market. Not only can you can their printed sticky notes to get a video demonstrating the correct pronunciation of the words, but being able to scan objects around you to really personalise your learning. 

Just as with the previous version of the app, I absolutely love the BETA app. It's really brought my French learning to life, and there are so many different languages to choose from it's amazing. 

Will you be trying out the FlashAcademy BETA app? It's available to download from App Store and Google Play store now.

*FlashSticks asked me to trial the app before it's launch, however all opinions in this review are my own 

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